Did You Know?
If you want to sell your photographs in most art shows or display them in
galleries, you are more likely to have your work shown if you have a
distinct style, shoot on a theme, or both. A series of random photographs
with no connection can be considerably less interesting than a group of
photos with a consistent style or theme. |
Whether you use the most sophisticated camera equipment, Polaroids
or inbuilt cameras on mobile phones, it is
an original vision that will most influence your photos. Style and unique
approaches or subjects will help you more in creating interesting work than most
store-bought equipment every could. Experiment, try different methods and
technology until you find the results that speak to you. |
These two photos taken by Larry Berman (AlternatePhoto.com)
show a style unique to Larry because of the color infrared technique he
uses and the way he portrays ordinary subjects. |
Part of Larry Berman's style involves choosing ordinary
subjects but shooting them in extraordinary ways. |
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